Dr. Leen Alhoussan

At Stanford University, I conducted research on ovarian cancer.

Published on:- 12-01-2022

During my Ovarian Cancer research at Stanford University School of Medicine, I learned several essential and practical things. Consequently, I can present patients with the most up-to-date information on their unique treatment requirements. Furthermore, I have gathered information on therapy paradigms for newly diagnosed patients and therapeutic alternatives for people in the early stages of their condition.

Despite advancements in therapy, researchers are still looking for a reliable approach to identify ovarian cancer in its early stages. Patients have the highest chance of survival if cancer is detected early. This might enhance cancer patients' prognoses and lower death rates.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) funds research to improve the early identification of ovarian cancer. The National Cancer Institute also maintains the SEER (Sexually Transmitted Epithelial Cancer) database. This database contains statistics on ovarian cancer's occurrence, mortality, and survival.

The SEER database also includes information regarding ovarian cancer risk depending on age and family history. Ovarian cancer has a 1.4 percent lifetime risk. Understanding your risk is important since it may help you arrange your cancer screenings.

Over the years, many therapy strategies for newly diagnosed ovarian cancer patients have been created. Surgery, chemotherapy, maintenance treatment, and immunotherapy are among them. However, new therapy alternatives, including novel medicines, are now available. The objective is to enhance ovarian cancer patients' long-term survival.

According to the authors, therapeutic paradigms for newly diagnosed ovarian cancer patients have shifted dramatically. Patients now have other alternatives, which are being assessed in phase III studies. ICIs, antibody-drug conjugates, and novel compounds are among the emerging therapy alternatives. Some of these agents have previously received FDA approval in the United States and Europe.

In addition, a novel therapeutic paradigm for recurring epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is being investigated. This model includes patient-centered treatment. As a result, assessing the patient's overall condition, expectations, and treatment-related morbidity is critical.

Identifying novel molecular targets in ovarian cancer may lead to new treatment methods for patients who are resistant to chemotherapy. Furthermore, understanding the heterogeneity of ovarian cancer is critical to creating more effective immunotherapies.

One intriguing method is to increase the number of naturally existing tumor-reactive T cells. These T cells may be enhanced and supplied autologously. This technique may shorten the timescale for ovarian cancer therapy while lowering drug development costs.

Another method is to concentrate on molecular targets found in unusual histotypes. Creating predictive animal models is a more advanced method. These models may uncover novel medications that might be repurposed to treat ovarian cancer.

The American Association for Cancer Research recently convened a special conference on ovarian cancer. During the meeting, researchers and patient activists debated crucial issues in ovarian cancer research.

Finding new treatments for high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC), one of the most severe types of ovarian cancer, is critical. Taxanes, cytoreductive surgery, and neoadjuvant chemotherapy are being used to treat HGSOC. The 5-year survival rate, on the other hand, is poor.

An experimental medication that inhibits ovarian cancer growth and invasion by targeting the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), a tumor-specific transcription factor that binds to the activator protein-2/Sp1 element of the urokinase receptor (UR). These inhibitors may work in tandem with chemotherapy.

However, substantial uncertainties remain concerning the mechanism of these inhibitors. Immunotherapy is being investigated to counteract the immune suppressive effects of the microenvironment. A deeper knowledge of ovarian cancer heterogeneity is critical for developing immunotherapy. Researchers have discovered a rise in AP-1 activity in resistant ovarian cancer.

Christina Messineo Annunziata has devoted most of her career to ovarian cancer research. Her studies on molecular signal transduction have been published in the scholarly publications Nature, Cancer, and BMC Cancer. She is presently a researcher at the National Cancer Institute's Women's Malignancies Branch and an associate editor for BMC Cancer.

Ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest gynecologic malignancies, with a significant recurrence rate. High-grade serous carcinoma (HGSOC), characterized by genomic instability and frequent DNA copy number increases, is one of the most prevalent kinds of ovarian cancer. Furthermore, around 15% of HGSOC patients had mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.

Ovarian cancer is often treated with surgery followed by chemotherapy. Many individuals, however, acquire chemo-resistance to this therapy. As a result, more treatment alternatives for recurring or resistant ovarian cancer are required.

Ovarian Cancer Treatments

Published on : 11-15-2022
Ovarian cancer may be treated in a variety of ways. Chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and surgery are examples. Some treatments are less invasive and may be performed while the patient is still in the operating room. These therapies also vary depending on the risk factors. Some cancers are treatable, while others are fatal.
There are many therapy options for ovarian cancer. Surgery and chemotherapy are two of the most prevalent therapies. Hormone treatment and specialized medications are two more alternatives. Patients will have frequent check-ups and may have tests and scans to assist decide the kind of therapy and illness stage. If symptoms continue or cause concern, see a doctor as soon as possible to explore treatment options.
Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer entails administering chemicals that destroy cancer cells. These medications may be administered intravenously, orally, or directly into the abdomen. The most often used chemotherapy medications for this form of cancer are carboplatin and paclitaxel, administered combined to kill cancer cells. Doctors may also employ various sorts of medications to target cancer, depending on the stage of the disease.
The most recent randomized phase III trials on the efficacy of chemotherapy in ovarian cancer have produced the most optimistic results. These studies have shown that intraperitoneal chemotherapy is related to higher survival rates. This method, however, is not appropriate for every patient. It is most appropriate for people in the latter stages of the illness.
Radiation therapy is used as adjuvant therapy for ovarian cancer. This kind of therapy offers several benefits. It may prolong the time between chemotherapy sessions, is a safer alternative for women with small tumors, and has few long-term side effects. Radiation therapy is also a useful treatment option for people with a single illness recurrence.
Radiation treatment uses high-energy X-rays to eliminate cancer cells. This medication is seldom used to treat ovarian cancer, although it is frequently used to treat other symptoms, such as pain. It is also used as a palliative treatment following chemotherapy.
If the therapy targets the whole abdominopelvic cavity, it is successful for ovarian cancer. Other procedures are available, including brachytherapy, in which small capsules are inserted into the body. For brief periods, these capsules release radiation. Each session might take anything from thirty minutes to an hour. The full therapy may take several weeks to take effect.

The BC Journal Rankings and Women's Health Journals

Published on: 10-27-2022

In the past, reproductive health has been the main focus of the field of women's health. Unfortunately, this narrow focus has led to the "bikini approach" to medicine, which ignores many significant issues that affect women worldwide. For example, one of the most critical public health challenges of the 20th century was to lower the death rates of mothers and babies.

Even though women's health has traditionally been focused on reproductive health, it is essential to remember that communicable and non-communicable diseases cause most infections in women. Therefore, we did a quantitative analysis of the primary health content of six women's health journals and five general medical journals to determine how much each of these two areas covered. Then, we compared these results to why women get sick. The results show that women's health journalism still needs to cover more topics.

Over 50% of the authors in women's health journals were women from the SSA. This was a trend that stood out to us. This is shown by the fact that the journal is publishing more and more articles. Also, the people who wrote these articles came from different cultures and backgrounds. On the other hand, Western authors wrote most of the articles in the GMJ, which slowed the growth of women's health articles. This means that more research is needed to find out what makes it hard to publish research about women's health.

Obstetrics and gynecology are the two main areas that women's health journals cover. In the WHJ, issues about reproductive health made up 48.6% of all problems, but in the GMJ, they made up just over 30%. These numbers show how vital accurate research reporting is and how it affects women's health. Check out the rules if you want your research published in a journal about women's health.

Women's health journals include peer-reviewed, open-access journals. The articles in these journals are authentic and original, and they are based on clinical research. The goal is to give women a lot of information about their health. Their main goal is to give women as much good news as they can about their reproductive health. Also, the journals focus on issues that are important around the world.

In the weeks after giving birth, care is critical. During this time, a new mother's body goes through many changes. She also needs to learn how to take care of her child. Because of this, she may not get enough sleep, feel tired, have pain, and feel stressed. She may also have to deal with health problems she had before.

Policies should be made to make sure that women get the care they need after giving birth. Paid parental leave is another important way to improve the health of women. This policy will help the mother and her child. It will also improve public health and make things more equal. This plan has been backed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Postpartum care should also be ongoing and made to fit the needs of each woman. During pregnancy and after birth, the woman and her doctor must discuss her plans to have more children. She should, among other things, think about her goals and when she wants more children. She should also talk about how to keep from getting pregnant. Once the pregnancy is over, she should make an appointment with her care provider to discuss what to do next.

What Makes Us Listen to Music?

Published On: 10-13-2022

Why we listen to music is a complicated issue with no simple solution. Numerous explanations, such as social identity, aesthetics, and evolution, have been examined by researchers. While some empirical investigations have been driven by issues in cognitive and personality psychology, the majority have concentrated on how music influences our daily lives. Studies also vary in terms of the target demographics they attempt to study; some intend to gather representative samples of listeners, while others have specific target populations in mind.

Active listening can assist you in appreciating various musical qualities when you are listening to music. You can use it to distinguish between sounds, dynamics, and melodies. You might also use it to produce original songs. Consider these suggestions for active listening: Try to recognize the song's key and melody. Next, hear each instrument line separately.

Try listening to top-notch music recordings to hone your active listening abilities. These files have numerous layers. Make sure you are paying attention carefully and resisting the impulse to hum or sing along when you are listening to them. You can appreciate music more creatively by cultivating a critical perspective.

Finding your unique voice can also be aided by active listening. You can learn more about an artist's style and skill by listening to the same album again if you enjoy jazz or classical music. It will assist you in finding your own voice and developing a distinctive style.

It is simpler to pay attention and stay interested when certain musical elements are repeated repeatedly because they have a hypnotic effect. This technique, known as musematic repetition, can be used in pieces that are as straightforward as a chorus. Discursive repetition is a type of repetition that combines the non-repetitive parts of using different notes in the same rhythmic figure with the repeating parts of musical motifs.

Any type of music uses repetition to achieve its desired effect. Repeated musical parts draw listeners in and increase their propensity to sing or play along. Additionally, it can increase musical interest and motivate listeners to move around more. The sense of repetition, however, can be influenced by a variety of things.

According to recent studies, adults tend to choose repetitive music. Repetitive music is also more likely to have been created by human artists, according to studies. Another element that contributes to social cohesion is repetition. Children at the nursery school, for instance, sing a song each day that instructs them to tidy up. On New Year's Eve, adults also sing Auld Lang Syne.

In order to produce a range of sounds and moods, musicians use variation. They can offer a new aspect to a piece of music that will keep listeners engaged by altering the melody, tempo, or harmony. Additionally, variety can be utilized to express various emotions, including excitement or melancholy.

Sometimes, composers would write variants around a well-known theme. Depending on how young the youngsters are, these variations may last up to a minute. Older kids can utilize a listening map to figure out which sounds are present in the composition, while younger kids can follow the theme and follow along with it.

Elgar included variations in his compositions as well. These pieces frequently feature solo sections with both high and low pitch. Elgar doesn't say where the piece came from, but the title suggests that women may have been involved in making it.

Certain musical genres cause people to feel certain emotions. In one such study, physiological reactions were utilized to gauge the listener's response to music. A variety of songs were requested by the participants. Then, they were asked to rank how they felt about the songs. They were asked to rate their level of arousal, sometimes known as pleasure and discomfort.

An increasing number of studies are demonstrating the physiological effects that music can have. This covers physiologic reactions to the music's aesthetic and non-aesthetic elements. The autonomic and hypothalamic nervous systems, as well as the release of arousal hormones, are all altered by music. Skin conductivity and body temperature can both be impacted by music.

There were 154 participants in the study. Six tracks total were assigned to each participant to hear. These tracks contained songs the experimenter chose as well as one song that was chosen by the experimenter. On a Likert scale, the participants were asked to rate their answers. The findings demonstrated that participants' emotional reactions were stronger to their preferred songs than to their less liked ones.

How to Prevent Ovarian Cancer

Published On: 09-20-2022

The first step in preventing ovarian cancer is to live a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating nutritious, low-sugar foods and getting regular exercise. In addition, women with a history of hormone-based cancer should consult their doctor to determine their risk of developing ovarian cancer. In addition to eating healthy foods, women should also avoid using talcum powder, a product commonly used in personal care products. This product is linked to ovarian cancer.
Ovarian cancer symptoms can mimic other conditions, such as lower abdominal/pelvic pain, bloating, and gastrointestinal problems. However, most women who develop the disease do not have any symptoms. Therefore, one of the best ways to detect ovarian cancer is to get a pelvic exam. In some cases, imaging tests and blood tests can also be performed. Those with symptoms of ovarian cancer should see their doctor as soon as possible to be able to begin treatment.
Another way to lower your risk of ovarian cancer is to use oral contraceptives. Studies have shown that women who use oral contraceptives reduce their risk of ovarian cancer by 50 percent. However, it is essential to know that these drugs can cause side effects, and some women may have an adverse reaction to them. If you plan to use birth control, ensure you only use it for contraception.
Genetic counseling and testing are essential for assessing your risk of ovarian cancer. A genetic counselor will review your family and personal medical history to determine whether you have any genetic mutations that increase your risk of the condition. Genetic testing can also help you decide what preventive measures to take. Genetic tests are also helpful in identifying if you have a family history of cancer. Regular checkups and screenings are also a great way to prevent ovarian cancer. It also gives you a better chance of successfully treating the condition.
The risk of developing ovarian cancer increases with age. About half of all women diagnosed with ovarian cancer are over 65. However, this disease can affect anyone with ovaries. This includes women, transgender people, and non-binary people. It is also rare in women who have had ovaries removed. However, you can make some lifestyle changes to reduce your risk.
Genetics plays an essential role in the development of ovarian cancer. For example, having a specific mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene can increase your risk of ovarian cancer. While it is unknown what causes this mutation, the risk of developing ovarian cancer is significantly increased. Moreover, you may be prone to ovarian cancer if you have endometriosis or have a family history of the disease.
Regular ovulation is also a risk factor. Regular ovulation damages the lining of the ovary and makes it more susceptible to cancer-causing changes. In addition, it is essential to remember that early detection is the best way to beat ovarian cancer. A blood test known as CA-125 or transvaginal ultrasound can detect ovarian cancer early and help you take the proper steps to fight it.
Ovarian cancer begins with DNA mutations. These mutations cause cells to multiply rapidly and invade surrounding tissues. Eventually, these cells can break free from the initial tumor, invade other tissues, and cause cancer to spread. Ovarian cancer can be classified into three major types: epithelial, stromal, and fibroectopic ovarian. The epithelial form accounts for ninety percent of all cases and is the most common type. Stromal tumors are rarer and usually diagnosed at an earlier stage.
An ovarian cancer diagnosis often begins with a thorough medical history and physical exam. A pelvic examination is also a vital part of the diagnostic process. Next, a biopsy is a small piece of tissue or fluid removed to test for cancer cells. Sometimes, a mass on the ovary is too large to be biopsied and must be surgically removed. The next step in treatment is chemotherapy or radiation if the cancer is detected.